
The issuance of a deportation decision in Turkey can be a distressing and complex legal situation for individuals facing removal from the country. This essay explores the legal steps individuals should consider when confronted with a deportation decision in Turkey.

I. Understanding the Deportation Decision:

A deportation decision in Turkey is typically made on grounds of immigration violations, security concerns, or other legal reasons. It is crucial for individuals to understand the specific grounds for their deportation and the legal basis on which the decision has been made.

II. Seeking Legal Advice:

Upon receiving a deportation decision, one of the first and most critical steps is to seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer. Engaging the services of an English-speaking lawyer in Istanbul is particularly important for non-Turkish speakers to ensure effective communication and understanding of the legal implications.

III. Reviewing the Decision and Gathering Evidence:

Working closely with a lawyer, individuals should review the deportation decision and gather evidence to challenge its validity. This may involve demonstrating compliance with immigration laws, presenting mitigating factors, or highlighting any procedural errors in the deportation process.

IV. Appealing the Decision:

In Turkey, individuals have the right to appeal a deportation decision. The appeal process involves submitting a formal appeal to the relevant authorities within the specified timeframe. An English-speaking lawyer can assist in preparing a compelling appeal, ensuring that all relevant legal arguments and evidence are presented effectively.

V. Administrative and Judicial Review:

If the appeal is unsuccessful, individuals may pursue further administrative and judicial reviews of the deportation decision. This involves presenting the case before higher administrative authorities and, if necessary, the Turkish judiciary. An English-speaking lawyer with expertise in immigration law can guide individuals through these complex legal proceedings.

VI. Exploring Legal Stay Options:

During the deportation process, individuals may explore legal avenues to secure their stay in Turkey. This could include applying for alternative visas, residence permits, or seeking other legal remedies to address the underlying issues that led to the deportation decision.

VII. Engaging an English-Speaking Lawyer in Istanbul:

The assistance of an English-speaking lawyer in Istanbul is invaluable throughout the deportation process. These lawyers can:

a. Provide Legal Guidance: Lawyers can explain the legal implications of the deportation decision, guide individuals through the appeal process, and offer advice on the best course of action.

b. Ensure Effective Communication: Language barriers can complicate legal proceedings. English-speaking lawyers facilitate clear communication between their clients and the relevant authorities, ensuring that all relevant information is accurately conveyed.

c. Navigate the Legal System: Deportation cases involve intricate legal procedures. Lawyers with expertise in immigration law can navigate the administrative and judicial review processes, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome for their clients.


Facing a deportation decision in Turkey is a challenging experience, but individuals can take specific legal steps to challenge the decision and protect their rights. Engaging the services of an English-speaking lawyer in Istanbul is essential for effective communication, understanding the legal intricacies, and navigating the complex legal system. By taking these steps and seeking professional legal assistance, individuals can increase their chances of a successful resolution to their deportation case.

This article is intended for general informational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for the advice and counsel of a criminal defense attorney. If you want to contact an English-speaking criminal lawyer in Istanbul for more information, you can contact our office.