
Finding oneself in a removal center in Turkey is a challenging and distressing situation.

I. Understanding the Removal Center System in Turkey:

Removal centers, known as "Geri Gönderme Merkezi" in Turkish, are facilities where individuals subject to deportation or removal are held pending legal proceedings. Individuals may be detained for various reasons, including immigration violations, security concerns, or pending removal decisions.

II. Seeking Legal Assistance:

The first and most critical step for individuals in a removal center is to seek legal assistance. Engaging the services of an English-speaking lawyer in Istanbul is essential, especially for non-Turkish speakers, to navigate the complex legal landscape and understand the options available.

III. Reviewing the Legal Basis for Detention:

A skilled lawyer will carefully review the legal basis for the individual's detention. This involves examining the grounds for detention, ensuring that due process has been followed, and exploring any potential violations of the individual's rights.

IV. Challenging Detention through Legal Channels:

Individuals in a removal center have the right to challenge their detention through legal channels. This may involve filing a petition for release, challenging the deportation decision, or presenting evidence that supports the individual's case. An English-speaking lawyer can guide the detained individual through these legal processes.

V. Exploring Alternatives to Detention:

In certain cases, alternatives to detention may be available. This could include the possibility of securing a residence permit, applying for humanitarian protection, or demonstrating that the individual poses no flight risk. A knowledgeable lawyer can assess these options and advocate for the most suitable course of action.

VI. Appealing Removal Decisions:

If a removal decision has been issued, individuals have the right to appeal. This involves submitting a formal appeal to the relevant authorities within the specified timeframe. An English-speaking lawyer can assist in preparing a compelling appeal, ensuring that all legal arguments and evidence are presented effectively.

VII. Engaging in Legal Negotiations:

Experienced lawyers can engage in legal negotiations with immigration authorities to seek the release of the detained individual. This may involve presenting alternative solutions or addressing concerns that led to the detention in the first place.

VIII. Representation in Court Proceedings:

If the case proceeds to court, having legal representation is crucial. An English-speaking lawyer with expertise in immigration law can represent the individual in court, presenting a strong legal defense and advocating for their release.

IX. Facilitating Communication:

Communication is key in legal proceedings. English-speaking lawyers bridge the language gap between detained individuals and the legal system, ensuring that their rights are effectively communicated and defended.


Leaving a removal center in Turkey involves navigating a complex legal process, and the assistance of an English-speaking lawyer in Istanbul is indispensable. These lawyers play a vital role in reviewing the legal basis for detention, challenging removal decisions, exploring alternatives, and advocating for their clients throughout the legal proceedings. By seeking legal assistance and engaging in the appropriate legal channels, individuals in removal centers can increase their chances of securing release and resolving their immigration status in Turkey.

This article is intended for general informational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for the advice and counsel of a criminal defense attorney. If you want to contact an English-speaking criminal lawyer in Istanbul for more information, you can contact our office.