Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi (type of criminal court in Turkey) deals with crimes that require a prison sentence of more than 10 years. These courts work as a committee, with a president and a sufficient number of members. A chairman and two members are required to convene.


Criminal cases (ağır ceza davaları) may be concluded in different periods of time depending on the number of defendants on trial, whether the evidence subject to the trial is collected or not, and whether there are arrested defendants or not. In addition, the hearing of witnesses whose testimony was taken or not taken during the investigation phase before the case is one of the factors that take time in the trial process. These cases should not be evaluated only through the local court process. This is because the Supreme Court of Appeals processes of criminal cases are also among the factors that prolong the trial. It can be accepted that the duration of the trial in these cases lasts approximately 1 to 3 years. However, due to the existence of multiple factors affecting the speed of the proceedings, it is possible that the process may take a shorter time or be concluded in a longer period than foreseen.


These criminal cases are cases that require a serious trial process in which decisions that can directly affect the life and future of individuals can be taken and are often irreparable. For this reason, it is beneficial to receive legal services from an English-speaking criminal lawyer during the litigation process. It should not be forgotten that criminal lawyers cannot guarantee the outcome, but with their foresight, they can carry out the process in the most accurate way and design the case strategy in order to get the best possible result.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for the advice and counsel of a criminal defense attorney.  If you want to contact an English-speaking criminal lawyer in Istanbul for more information you can contact our office.